






Uzima Center, Ilemela

The  current drought conditions in Tanzania have exacerbated the difficulties orphaned and vulnerable children already face within this community. Many of those visiting the centre come come from single mother households with women finding work where they can: selling corn and breaking rocks. Protein is the first nutrient to be cut from diets when families do not have enough money for food.

ABC Africa are supporting the Uzima Centre by funding the “Food First” programme for 61 of the most vulnerable children. These children will receive a nutritious meal of beans, rice and green vegetables, education on low cost high impact nutrition, their weight will be monitored and the same children will receive 2 kilos of dried beans per month to take home.

ABC Africa is the sole funder of this programme but are hoping that other donors/charities will join us in supporting what is an essential grass roots programme during a period of crisis.