The Volunteers

Volunteering is and will continue to be the life blood of ABC Africa. On behalf of the Board and the children we serve we thank you all for your time, energy and enthusiasm.

The Fun Fundraisers

A group pf friends raised £300 at their school Christmas Fair by selling decorations and Christmas gifts. With the money raised we are able to provide 7000 children with a bowl of porridge.



Frankie and Sonny have donated their pocket money to ABC Africa. Their incredibly generous donation will provide a bowl of porridge for 2 children for an entire year.

Our knitters

A special thank you to our knitters who have handed in lovely cardigans, jumpers and hats for the little ones. these have been very much appreciated by our projects in Namibia and Swaziland where it can get quite cold at night.


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Thank you also to those who have handed in warm clothes. They will be very gratefully received by the family of this little girl as well as others.


Gifts in Kind

Andrew Cassidy has kindly donated his time to creating the web site that you’re viewing today. It is because of people like Andy who donate their time and skill that we are able to offer the guarantee that every single penny you donate to ABC Africa goes directly to provide food, medical assistance and education to a child in need.